
BERNIE (2011) 25908

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Original U.S. One-Sheet Poster (27x40) Rolled Double-Sided Very Fine Condtion

Millenium Entertainment Original U.S. One-Sheet Poster for the Richard Linklater directed film BERNIE (2011) starring Jack Black, Shirley MacLaine, Matthew McConaughey and Sonny Carl Davis. The film chronicles the story of Bernhardt "Bernie" Tiede, played by Jack Black and Marjorie Nugent, an eighty year old millionairess from Carthage, Texas, who was murdered by her companion, Tiede. The screenplay was written by Linklater and by Skip Hollandsworth, adapted from a Texas Monthly magazine article, "Midnight in the Garden of East Texas." Fashioned as a dark comedy, the film relates the relataionship between these two unlikely friends, and the murder that ended it. The picture is one of the true cult films in the history of Texas filmmaking and it was a sensation in Texas when it opened in 2011. Black earned a Golden Globe nomination and McConhaghey was named Best Supporting Actor the the New York Film Critics. The film was responsible for the release from prison of Bernie Tiede-- and his subsequent re-incarceration. The history of the film is well recounted at wikipedia. MovieArt Original Film Posters in Austin, Texas guarantees that this poster is an authentic U.S. one-sheet poster for this film. MovieArt Austin does not sell reproductions.

Jack Black - Actor
Shirley MacLaine - Actor
Matthew McConaughey - Actor
Sonny Carl Davis - Actor

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